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一、 依據本校院長遴選辦法、文學院院長遴選要點及文學院院長遴選委
員會 114 年 3 月 7日第一次會議決議辦理。 
二、 院長任期自 114 年 8 月 1 日起,任期二年,得連任一次。 
三、 院長候選人應具備下列條件: 
四、 院長候選人由本校各系、所、學位學程推薦,或自行登記參選,或
五、 院長人選為校外人士時,就任前須依新聘教師聘任程序聘為本校專
六、 本校文學院簡介:請參見網頁。。 
七、 候選人登記表、相關書面資料及電子檔,請於 114 年 4月 18 日下
午 5 時前,寄至本校文學院院長遴選委員會(人事室侯品禕小姐代 
八、 本校院長遴選辦法、文學院院長遴選要點、院長候選人推薦表及資
    電話:(02)29393091 轉 67287 
國立政治大學文學院院長遴選委員會  啟 
中華民國 114 年 3月 19日 

Position Announcement 


Dean of the College of Liberal Arts 
National Chengchi University 


Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Dean of the College of 
Liberal Arts at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. The Dean serves as the 
chief academic and administrative officer of the College and reports directly to the 
President. The initial term is two years, with the possibility of renewal for a second 


Established in 1958, the College of Liberal Arts currently has 87 full-time faculty 
members across three departments, four independent institutes, one graduate degree 
program, and two additional master’s degree programs of Continuing Education. The 
college also houses ten multi-disciplinary research centers. The total student enrollment 
is approximately 1,500. 


The mission of the College of Liberal Arts is to enhance the quality of teaching and 
research in humanities. In addition to offering courses tailored to the College’s specific 
needs, it also provides lectures in literature, philosophy and history for students across 
the university. The College currently has academic cooperation agreements with over 50 
top-tier international universities and colleges, offering extensive opportunities for 
faculty and student exchanges. 
Further information about the College can be found at: 


Candidate Qualifications 
We are searching globally for an internationally outstanding scholar with high integrity, 
demonstrated administrative experience, a strong commitment to faculty development 
and research excellence, and a passion for education to ensure continued success of the 


Term Duration 
The term begins on August 1, 2025, and lasts for two years, with the possibility of 
renewal for a second term. 



How to become a Candidate 
Candidates may enter the selection process through one of the following methods: 
• Recommendation by one of the departments, institutes, or degree programs within the 
College of Liberal Arts 
• Self-application by the candidate 
• Nomination by the Search and Selection Committee (with over two-thirds consensus) 


Appointment as Dean 
The final candidate, selected by the President, must be a full professor at NCCU. If the 
candidate is not currently a full professor at NCCU, they must be appointed as a full 
professor before assuming the role of Dean. 


Application Deadline 
A complete application or nomination package, signed by the applicant, must be 
submitted by registered mail or delivered in person to the following address by April 18, 


Ms. Hou (Personnel Office) 
c/o Dean Search and Selection Committee of the College of Liberal Arts 
64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Road, WenShan District 
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 116011 
886-2-29393091 ext. 67287 



For application forms please go to 


For further information, please contact Ms. Hou (Personnel Office), at 
886-2-29393091 ext. 67287, or 

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