Wang Wan Ju(王婉如), 2019.11, 'The Audience of Goddess Mazu's Tour around Taiwan, ' International Academic Research and Communicate Conference, University of Würzburg, University of Würzburg, Germany.
Wang Wan Ju(王婉如), 2019.07, 'The Central of Daily News during the Republic of China (before 1949), ' "Engaging Chinese Scholarship: New Directions, New Challenges", Chinese Studies Association of Australia, 16th Biennial Conference, La Trabe University、China Studies Research Centre.
王婉如, 2016.08, '異文化的再認識——談文化衝擊下《北京人在紐約》與「美國 夢」, ' 「百年來越境的現代中國文學——紀念郭沫若、田漢留日一百週年」 ,5th World Conference of The International Guo MoruoAcademy, Housei University, pp.145-152.